Nehemiah Hart
And Susan Harrington Hart

Earl Hart
Grace Mae
Earl Hart
Grace Mae
Hart and
Susan Harrington

first known Hart ancestor is Deacon Stephen Hart, born in England in 1602.
He migrated to the US in 1631/32 aboard the ship Lyon (Lion). Stephen came
from Branitree, Essex, England and was part of what became known as the
"Braintree Company" of settlers. There is much more information on Stephen
than I can give in this short space but am happy to share if contacted.
He is credited with having "HARTford, CT", named after him and is listed
as one of the original
of that town. He later moved to help settle what became known as Farmington.
Stephen was elected Deacon by his church members. However, the responsibilities
of being a Deacon extended into the community as well during those years.
line from Deacon Stephen extends throughout the USA by this time. My particular
descendancy is as follows: Deacon Stephen, Stephen II, Stephen III, Timothy,
Elisha Sr., Elisha Jr., Truman, Elisha Truman, Nehemiah, Thomas Earl,
Eileen, and myself. By Elisha Sr.'s time the family had moved to New York,
and then Truman moved on to first Mason county, VA and then on to Wayne
county, Iowa by late 1840's. My Great-Grandfather was born in Wayne
however, as a young married man he moved his family to Nebraska where they
would be very interesting in meeting any other descendants of this line.
Also, Truman had a brother named WILLIAM that settled in Lapeer county,
Michigan and I would be very interested in meeting descendants of his line.
contact me for more information, documented sources, AND to share your
data, if you are a member of this wonderful family.
Own Direct Line From Deacon Stephen Hart
1. Deacon Stephen Hart. b. 1602,
Branintree, Sussex, England, d. ca 1862, Farmington, CT
2. Stephen Hart II, ca 1632
England, d. 1689, Farmington, CT m. Ann Fitch
3. Stephen Hart III, ca 1661,
d. 1733 Farmington, CT m. Sarah Cowles
4. Timothy Hart, b. 1705, d.
1748 Farmington, CT., m. Elizabeth Cowles
5. Elisha Hart, b. 1731 d. 1768,
Farmington, CT m. Sarah Cole
6. Elisha Hart. b. 1757 d. ca
1812 (during War of 1812) m. Hannah Unknown last name
7. Truman Hart b. 1781 d. 1860
Grundy county, MO m. Clarissa Kellogg
8. Elisha Truman Hart b. 1819,
d. 1851 Wayne county, IA, m. Elizabeth Bond
9. Nehemiah Hart, b. 1848 d.
1928, Gage county, NE, m. Susan Jane Harrington
10. Thomas Earl Hart, b. 1890
d. 1946 Gage county, NE m. Grace Heaston
11. Eileen Hart m. James Velvick
12. Beverly Velvick m. Roger
13. Our three children
14. Our four grandchildren |
Index To Surnames
